Upcoming Event Schedule
May 16th 2018, 5pm - Rm 1059 AHMS Building, North Terrace
- Clinical-based Cytometry, Journal-Club style presentation
- Dr Jovanka King speaking about paediatric immunodeficiency and Dr Sheree Bailey discussing immunophenotyping of leukaemia and lymphoma
- If you have a case study you wish to submit for discussion with the group, please email cytomad@gmail.com with a brief overview. Case discussions to be capped at 10 minutes per case, no more than 2 cases - get in quick if you want to present your case!
Thank you to our sponsor for this event - Becton Dickinson
October 2018 - October 21st-October 24th
ACS Conference - registration opens in 2018, go to www.acs2018.org.au for more information
Past Events
January 2018 - January 24th, 4:30pm
- Research-based Cytometry Journal-Club style presentation
- Dr Stephen Blake speaking about Multicolour Panel Design and Natalie Sanders presenting an introduction to Small Particle detection.
Thank you to our sponsor for this event - Beckman Coulter.
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